Books By Choice is my blog where I write reviews for books that I have BOUGHT, BORROWED or BEGGED to read.
Some are old favorites that had a severe impact on my life in some or other way. Others are books that was recommended by friends, or picked up through reviews by other readers.
Goodreads was my first book hangout, introduced to me by an online friend and it changed everything.
My reviews of these books are more in the line of comments, criticism, or praise in which I allow myself more freedom of thought and words. There are books that I could not finish in the first sitting, never made it to page 50, only to retry them several months, or years, later and were totally overwhelmed with delight.
Most of these books have been bought either secondhand or new through different online stores. Well, mostly.
I never visit a town that does not host a bookstore! Yes, I am one of those! Whatever the case may be, I treasure them all.
You can read more about me on my other blog
Thank you for your interested in my blog. Please make yourself at home. If you decide to join this blog or follow me, I will be delighted to do the same.
Have a great one.

Hi, Margitte!
ReplyDeleteI saw your blog on Bloglovin' and just wanted to say I love your blog design! So lovely! Looking forward to reading more!
New follower :)
~ Shayenne
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and following me. I am following you as well. It is so great to hear from you.
DeleteSterkte met jou blog Margitte. Ek sien dit (inderdaad albei) is reeds geruime tyd aan die gang, so ek hoop dit vlot lekker. Ek het by jou uitgekom via 'n soektog na besprekings oor André Brink - almal wil nou (hopelik) meer van André se boeke lees - en ek meen ek het gesien dat jy van hulle bespreek het, en nog meer sal. Ek het besluit ek wil weer 'n paar van hulle lees/herlees en het sommer begin met Die Ambassadeur. Het jy dit al gelees?
ReplyDeleteHello Errol. Lekker om van jou te hoor!
DeleteEk het die ambassadeur so lank terug gelees, sal dit ook moet herlees. Verder het ek baie ander van sy boeke gelees. Ja, almal sal seker sy skrywes weer wil geniet. Sy reisverhale/joernale was ook uitstekend, indien jy sou belangstel. André het 'n standaard in Letterkunde gestel wat 'n groot verskil in Afrikaans gebring het. Sy boeke was somtyds vir my baie morbied en 'swaar', maar het my telkens verstom gelaat. Ek moes hom net lees. Een van daardie skrywers wat 'n mens so verryk het. Het jy ook 'n blog?
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog after one of my friends shared it with me on Facebook and wanted to run a few things by you. I'm working on a wedding/event venue project, and I think it’s something you could definitely relate to. Let me know if you have a moment to discuss.